Thursday, February 21, 2013

You might be in Maki if...

Sit back, nuzzle your favorite blanket, and sip that cocoa... It's time for another episode of:

'Oh my God, I'm inside and I can see my own breath!'

Mr. Foxworthy strides up to the microphone, clears his throat, and delivers the following rendition to his side-splitting act that has charmed America for years.
The audience leans in, anticipating his legendary harp-like delivery:

"If room temperature provides a nice frosty beer, you might be living in Maki..."
"If the penguins you invited to dinner leave because of the 'chill in the air...,' you might be living in Maki..."
"If the electric company starts sending you weekly 'Thank You' letters and pictures of their new company cars, you might be living in Maki...

Ok...I appreciate his artistry -- those things ain't easy to write. But the energy with which he composes these gems is completely identifiable by the common person. For all intents and purposes, I will play that common (male version) role for this post. All apologies for any typos in this one, by the way; my fingertip-less gloves have yet to arrive in the mail (Debbie Downer music plays in background -- that one was for the folks on Asher...who loves ya...).

What serves as normal mad-cap, high adventure material for this web journal pales in comparison to the feat of locating a consistent source of heat these days (without spending your entire paycheck, of course). Hours on top of hours sitting in front of - or next to - a comically small heating device does little to encourage the spirits of the 'chilled.' It is at times like these that one must remember the faithful...

I must take this moment, publically, to apologize to 'Rice Cooker,' my faithful steed that gets me from here to there on a daily basis. I may have taken liberties with the 'acutal size' jokes in previous posts, but my little Subaru has turned out to be a majestic champion of warmth; especially during the early morning crawls from my 'Fortress of Ice-a-tude' to Maki's various institutions of learning.

As I readied for a Sunday morning escape, I noticed that the daily clouds and rain which had recently become as reliable as the rising sun in which they block looked different; in fact, they looked like...snow.

"The first snow!! Ain't it purty?"

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