Friday, March 16, 2007

It was fun at the Sho...

Hi everyone -

Today was my final elementary school visit and I was able to snag a few pictures from the teacher.

The kids I am working with in these pictures will be entering Maki Higashi Junior High School in April and were primed and ready for my 'Elvis-ly' driven exercises for the afternoon... It's amazing how much you can impress a bunch of 13 year olds with two chords. I'm halfway to The Ramones' status in these parts.

I battled with titling this post, 'Chunky Cold Medina,' given the seemingly less than svelte frame I'm sporting. But in truth, I was wearing 4 layers under the day's turtle neck/cargo pants was slightly chilly today.

In keeping with the theme of my most recent post, the kids I've met -- from both the junior high schools and elementary classes -- have all viewed graduation as be being bittersweet.

The 6 (roku) nenseis (nen-say-zzz) treated me to a rehearsal of their graduation song which will be performed during the ceremony next week. Much like the graduating class from both junior high schools, the kids at Urushiyama (today's stop) showed strong emotion in wishing that all those who listened would not forget them...

THAT would be quite difficult.

Keep surfing,


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