Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Red Tape...

Hi everyone -

I hope all is well with you and yours...

A bit of annoyiong news from Maki, but it has been decreed by the higher-ups that all blogs must not contain pictures of students/teachers. This means that I will be removing pictures with these types o' folks very shortly. I'm very sorry about this, but it's a safety/privacy issue that (although annoying and labor intensive) makes sense.

I will do my best to provide some decent pictures and will follow the old, "All names have been changed to protect the innocent," school of thought in future posts.

It's too bad, because I was just about to post about a Kendo tournament I attended last week -- great action shots!!

As a concession, here's a picture of me getting ready to surf! (Getting permission to post this shot was a pain in the neck.)

Keep surfing!

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